Presence Under the Tree

As we grow older, holidays can become less magical, and increasingly stressful. Parties and presents can put our minds in a daze. However, amidst all of the madness, the holidays offer a very special present, the opportunity to practice presence.

Instead of focusing on all the “shoulds” this holiday season, embrace and enjoy all of the loving imperfection this moment has to offer. The greatest present you can give to yourself and others is your presence.

How to give presence over the holidays:

1. Take a personal pause

No matter how much you love them, having family around for extended periods of time can be tough. Holidays without loved ones can be even tougher.

Take some time to step aside and focus on you. Whether it’s waking up early to go on a walk or locking yourself in the bathroom a little longer to take a few deep breaths, create the space to ground yourself and bring yourself to the present moment.

2. Let go

Don’t worry so much or hold on to how you think things “should” be. Stop clinging to a plan or a picture you hold in your mind, and embrace the moment you are in. Letting go of expectation will allow you to enjoy exactly what is in front of you.

3. Laugh

Laughter is a wonderful way to surrender to life’s inevitable curve balls and celebrate the present moment. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your loved ones. Laugh at life and enjoy.

Holly` Zajur